Angels Of The Fallen, The Watchers

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Menage a Trouble by Eva Marie Paulliere

We have Eva Marie Paulliere visiting us. She has a new book out. Eva tell us a little bit about yourself.
I enjoy writing (of course). It’s the newest thing for me. I grew up playing the violin. In my teens I played the drums and sang, in my early adult life I did a lot of sketching. I have composed symphonies, as well as modern music. I enjoy reading as well, and I speak some Japanese.
How did you decided to enter the world of writing?
Well, I had it in the back of my head while pursuing those other artistic interests. One day, a story idea burst into my head, and I’ve never been the same since.
What does your family think of your writing?
They are proud of me. Unfortunately, my children are too young to read any of my books.
Where do you get your ideas?
About half of it is embellished life experience. The other is contemplating “what if” situations.
Can you tell us a little about your book?
It’s a very controversial book about sex, politics and religion. A man who is enjoying a certain lifestyle reunites with his childhood friend, who is a devout Christian, and tries to hide it from her.
It’s not as serious as it sounds though. I mix in some sensuality and humor to temper things a bit.
It’s the wackiest book I’ve written yet, but the feedback from readers has been great!
Eva it sounds like a great read. What is your writing process?
I write like mad until the first draft is done, then very carefully revise. I would have to say that for every hour I spend writing, I spend 2-5 revising. Other than that, sometimes I start with an outline, sometimes I just start, with no idea how the book will end.
What was the hardest part for you when working on your book?
Once I am inspired, and committed, the hardest part is staying away from it. Getting other things done seems nearly impossible, and that includes sleep. Eventually, my typing fingers sore, and I either catch up on other business, or pass out on the couch.
Lol, yeah I understand that feeling.What influenced or inspired you to write?
Stephen King comes to mind. I read his books when I was a teenager and going into my twenties. I didn’t want to write horror, per se, but when I read his, or any other books after that, I always wondered what it would be like to cast that magical spell on a reader’s imagination, that pulled them into another world, if only for a short time.
Was there a scene that you didn’t add or you removed in your finished work?
I changed the ending quite a bit. Can’t spoil that one for you, though.
Do you have a favorite character (from your book)? Why?
I like Elise. She grows up in such a conflict over her sexuality, then as an adult confirms it. Once again, no spoilers here.
Do you already know what to write next? Can you tell us?
I am working on the last installment of the Two Stories Series: The Player.
Where can we find more information about you and your books?
Do you have any last words?
Tell my spouse that I love them?
Fun Questions ~-
I want to buy?
My own publishing company
I want to travel to? Why?
Britain, because that’s where Ellen Clare lives. She’s been so helpful in helping mold my stories, and shaping me as a writer, and yet, I have never met her in person.
My dream is to?
Be a happy ghost when I pass.
My favorite book is?
Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King

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